Call 01983 403967

Prices and Booking Forms

To make an online enquiry please click here 

  Elm Cottage Oak Cottage Rose Cottage
4/1/25 - 12/4/25 430 450 450
12/4/25 - 26/4/25 650 670 670
26/4/25 - 3/5/25 490 530 530
3/5/25 - 10/5/25 520 535 535
10/5/25 - 17/5/25 550 570 570
17/5/25 - 24/5/25 560 590 590
24/5/25 - 31/5/25 800 830 830
31/5/25 - 7/6/25 700 730 730
7/6/25 - 21/6/25 720 735 735
21/6/25 - 28/6/25 740 755 755
28/6/25 - 19/7/25 750 770 770
19/7/25 - 26/7/25 1095 1115 1115
26/7/25 - 23/8/25 1115 1135 1135
23/8/25 - 30/8/25 1095 1115 1115
30/8/25 - 6/9/25 740 750 750
6/9/25 - 13/9/25 670 690 690
13/9/25 - 20/9/25 620 630 630
20/9/25 - 27/9/25 530 580 580
27/9/25 - 18/10/25 490 500 500
18/10/25 - 25/10/25 530 550 550
25/10/25 - 1/11/25 620 650 650
1/11/25 - 8/11/25 430 450 450
8/11/25 - 20/12/25 410 420 420
20/12/25 - 3/1/26 750 750 750

Ferry tickets can be arranged.

The proprietors request that visitors do not smoke in the cottages.

  Laurel Cottage
3/1/25 - 11/4/25 450
11/4/25 - 25/4/25 680
25/4/25 - 9/5/25 550
9/5/25 - 16/5/25 570
16/5/25 - 23/5/25 590
23/5/25 - 30/5/25 850
30/5/25 - 6/6/25 730
6/6/25 - 27/6/25 755
27/6/25 - 18/7/25 770
18/7/25 - 25/7/25 1115
25/7/25 - 22/8/25 1155
22/8/25 - 29/8/25 1115
29/8/25 - 5/9/25 750
5/9/25 - 12/9/25 690
12/9/25 - 19/9/25 650
19/9/25 - 26/9/25 580
26/9/25 - 3/10/25 530
3/10/25 - 17/10/25 510
17/10/25 - 24/10/25 570
24/10/25 - 31/10/25 650
31/10/25 - 7/11/25 480
7/11/25 - 19/12/25 430
19/12/25 - 2/1/26 750